Monthly Archives: May 2021

The Gifts of Wisdom and Discernment

This post is a continuation of my thoughts on the unique mind the Lord has given to and developed in me. Something, I remind you, that would not be so had my life gone any other way than including Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. God absolutely knows what He is doing! I have seen more than enough evidence to trust His words in Isaiah 55:8-9, ““For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Only through a deep and intimate relationship with my Savior have I been able to reach this level of submission to my circumstances. Because of His faithfulness and love to me, in spite of my failures to do the same, I have gradually been able to see more and more of the reasons for my experiences! As odd as it sounds I am actually thankful for the design my life has followed! I sincerely believe the promise of Romans 8:28 that I have so often referred to!

So what does that have to do with the mind I’ve been given? Well, in my last post on the subject, I talked about how Duchenne has left me with quite a lot of time for simply thinking. In the absence of the ability to do certain things, I am more often than not just considering and analyzing the world around me. If that were not the case, I would have nowhere near as much insight and access to the wisdom of God as I do! Struggle and suffering have a truly profound way of opening up our eyes to see more clearly. There’s evidence of this in my life already, so I choose to embrace what lessons they have to offer!

One result of these notions has been a deep understanding of human nature through simple recognition of behavioral patterns. Why is that? Because, when I am unable to act the obvious alternative is for me to observe. In many cases, while the majority are doing things, I’m watching what they’re doing. I’m watching what everyone’s doing. I’m watching you. I’m watching all of you. I’m watching you right now, and you’re freaking out! Not really… well maybe. Probably not, but possibly. You should just keep reading. And I should get back to what I’m talking about.

What’s the point? As a result of my condition, I’m pretty apt at making observations. I guess you could call me a professional observer. I notice things that most people are unable to see. I pick up on details that are very easy to miss. And it’s not as though I’m constantly trying to read everybody, it just kind of happens. I don’t have to do anything, my brain does all the work on its own. It’s muscle memory really. The parts of my body that get the most exercise are different than everyone else’s. That’s all it is. I’m basically taking the pill from Limitless. Sort of. Just let me have this one, okay!

Now that I got that out of my system, where was I? Usually by no purposeful effort of my own, I am able to recognize certain consistent tendencies and idiosyncrasies in individuals, regardless of who they are. So, let’s just say that there’s a chance that I know quite a bit more about you than you realize. And that’s not to say that I actually literally know everything about you, just that I have somewhat of an idea. Think something along the lines of Sherlock Holmes if you must.

To put it another way, somehow I can effortlessly read the hidden frequencies of another person that exist under the radar of what is obvious. This can show itself in a variety of ways. The most immediate of these ways being the ability to distinguish a specific emotion with very little information. Another being in easily perceiving deep insecurities or uncertainties in others. It can even show up in thoroughly understanding what others mean even when they err or flounder in the words that they use. In summary, God has enabled me to be skilled at quickly parsing through the available info and in turn make a comprehensive determination.

One more thing, I’m not saying that I’m infallible in my judgement. Not at all! I can be REAL wrong when I’m not thinking clearly or am informed by my own bias. ‘Cause ya know, that does happen. In fact, the better I know you the more likely I am to make an incorrect read because of the complicated minutiae that comes with any relationship. When it comes to people that I don’t know I strive to be much slower in coming to a solid conclusion (trying to apply this more perfectly in all areas). But even in this case I can make glaring mistakes when I erroneously think higher of myself than I ought to (Romans 12:3). The reason I share this is that I would hate to leave the impression that I assume to know better than everyone else because, though my flesh attempts to convince me otherwise, I assure you I do not!

And how do these concepts play out in accordance with spiritual matters? 1 Corinthians, chapter 12 speaks about different spiritual gifts that believers in Christ have. Verse 4 says this, “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.” The passage goes on to discuss many gifts of the Spirit, which I won’t go into. But I will mention a few that I recognize in myself, the proof of which is found throughout this post. These would be “the word of wisdom through the Spirit” and the “discerning of spirits”. The gifts of wisdom and discernment, if you will.

I encourage you to take the time to study what your personal God-given skills, talents, and gifts are that you would understand yourself in a greater way and better glorify your Heavenly Father with those very gifts! Self reflection and introspection are important tools in the pursuit of maximizing both your physical and spiritual effectiveness!

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” – ‭I Corinthians‬ ‭2:12-13

Give Him Your Whole Being

Recently I’ve been writing on what my life would be like were Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy no more. So you’ve read how I use as much of myself as I can in the worship of my Lord, and how I desire to use even more of myself in it, at the fullest human function.

You have also recently read me writing about how you shouldn’t take the privileges and blessings that you individually have for granted. That you should instead take advantage of them and in turn perform all things at your full capacity. To employ your entire being into everything you do. And if you’re a believer, to do it all to the glory of the Lord.

With these things in mind, the following is going to break away from my typical personal reflections and application of them. This is going to be more of a direct challenge to those of you reading. Starting with honesty about my own experiences and consequent feelings, this piece is meant to serve mainly as a call to action. And I believe it is a call to action that God has provided me with some authority to make. Prepare yourself cause it’s about to get real!

I’m coming in hot right off the bat! If there’s one thing that truly bothers me to the point of offense (believe me, I’m working on that) it’s when someone fails, or worse, refuses to apply all of oneself while performing a task, even though they have the complete ability to do so. It doesn’t matter what the task is; as far as I’m concerned, if you can do something, you sure as Heaven better at least be willing to do it, and do it at your best! I trust that you get the idea without me going any further.

I’m choosing not to belabor that point because, to let it run the rest of its logical course, would lead me down a rather pretentious path of thinking. I don’t really think it would be very attractive for me to be like, “I do all that I’m able to with my level of ability! There’s no excuse for you to not do the same! Why can’t you be more like me?!” I seriously doubt anyone would keep reading if I did that. So rather than arrogantly shaming you, I’ll just allow you to appropriately fill in the blanks. It’ll be a better day that way!

Here’s the thing, on my worst days, a.k.a. most days, I am far more than simply prone to adopting that prideful and self-righteous approach. Honestly, it’s the default setting. Yes, this has now become more self reflective than I thought it would be. Maybe I just can’t help myself! One more paragraph and I’ll get back to the call to action…

The only time I can recall this default setting publicly boiling over from my thinking to my actions was during a gym class in middle school. I forget what activity we were doing, but there was an able bodied girl in my group who refused to even try to participate. I was NOT cool with that! To make a long story short, I basically went off on her for doing nothing when I couldn’t fully do the task but was still attempting to be a part. I felt justified, but I was definitely way more harsh than I needed to be. It was only middle school gym class after all! That wasn’t a good look, so ever since I’ve done my best to not do anything like that ever again! (The sad thing is I don’t even remember who the girl was, which is a whole nother issue.)

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.. Hopefully I’ve given you enough ammo to fill in the blanks I left. Aside from my own personal disappointment, there is a much more important and spiritual reason for me addressing this issue. And, I must consider that part of the reason I have DMD is so that God could use me to effectively deliver the following message.

We, the complex creation of the human race, did not show up here on accident. We were made with a purpose, and perfectly made to fulfill that purpose! Every single part of the human body was designed with a range of functions in mind. There is no greater design and we get the gracious opportunity to be the object of it! To not take advantage of this gift and utilize the entirety of its ability and potential would be an insult to the God who created us!

It grieves me that much of mankind is unable to recognize this reality! The odds of such complexity coming into existence by accident or chance are not in favor of said notion. We all have a choice to believe in the Creator or the accident and no one can impose their decision on another. But, regardless of whether you believe in the Heavenly Father or not, the truth remains that you are an amazing piece of existence and you possess tools and means to accomplish nearly anything! Please don’t take that for granted. Use what you have!

For those of us who are Christ followers we have an even greater responsibility to use what we’ve been given. Therefore, it grieves me even more so to see believers with their full ability unable to employ their entire being into their worship! Why would you not use all of yourself in an attempt to fully honor Him? Is He not worthy of it? Or do you simply not believe what you claim to? Redeemed, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and it is not your own! Perhaps it’s time to stop using it in the manner that you prefer and begin using it in the manner it was created for. Use it, use all of it, use it right, and use it for the Lord!

Verses to consider:

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” – Colossians‬ ‭3:17‬

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:31‬

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” – Colossians‬ ‭3:23‬

“Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians‬ ‭5:20‬
